17 NGOs Call on Iran to Uphold the Right to Education

17 NGOs Call on Iran to Uphold the Right to Education

The above signatories representing 17 human rights and student organizations express deep concern about the alarming state of academic freedom in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in particular violations of the rights to freedom of expression, association, and assembly on campuses; and institutionalized procedures that allow authorities arbitrarily to expel and suspend students…

UN Special Rapporteur calls for the Iranian government to make dramatic changes in its laws and practices

UN Special Rapporteur calls for the Iranian government to make dramatic changes in its laws and practices

In his first full report to the Human Rights Council, UN Special Rapporteur Ahmed Shaheed calls upon the Iranian government to comply with its international human rights obligations by bringing its laws into conformity with international human rights standards. In a 36-page report Shaheed repeats his request for the immediate release of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience.

San Diego, CA: Stand Up For Women!

Stand Up For Women! End Violence, Exploitation, and Oppression Date & Time: Thursday, October 20th • 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Location: Fairbanks...

Weekly Rights Podcast 33

In this week’s Weekly Rights Podcast: the court reviewing the case of the three Americans arrested more than two years ago has not yet issued its...