Press Release: Worldwide Action for Iran’s Baha’i Seven

Press Release: Worldwide Action for Iran’s Baha’i Seven

Berkeley, Calif. – Sunday April 1, will mark 10,000 total days that seven leaders of the Baha’i religion have spent behind bars in Iran. On this day, 12 cities across the globe will raise awareness with mobile billboards featuring a call to “Free Baha’i Leaders: Prisoners of Conscience in Iran.” Former imprisoned activist and hiker Sarah Shourd, who is now the Political Prisoner Advocate…

Join the Mad Graffiti Campaign for Human Rights in Iran!

Join the Mad Graffiti Campaign for Human Rights in Iran!

An estimated 500 political prisoners remain behind bars in Iran for their dissent against the policies of the Iranian government. Hundreds more have been persecuted through politically motivated trials. They include human rights defenders, lawyers, journalists, opposition activists, community leaders, and ordinary Iranian citizens. In an effort to highlight these and other…

Join the Mad Graffiti Campaign for Human Rights in Iran!

Stencil in Solidarity with Human Rights in Iran!

Beginning April 1, 2012 – the Facebook group Mad Graffiti Week Iran is calling on everyone to stencil in honor of political prisoners. Inspired by and with the support of Egyptian Mad Graffiti Week, the call is for everyone to draw for the human rights movement in Iran, for freedom for political prisoners, for an end to repression and executions, for free expression of the Iranian people and media…

UN Special Rapporteur on Iran Presents First Report at UN Human Rights Council

UN Special Rapporteur on Iran Presents First Report at UN Human Rights Council

On March 12-13, 2012, UN Special Rapporteur Dr. Ahmed Shaheed presented his report on the situation of human rights in Iran at the 19th session of the UN Human Rights Council. The Special Rapporteur’s 36-page report requests the immediate release of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, as well as independent investigations into the violence following Iran’s disputed…

Iran prepares for staged elections with crackdown on dissent

Iran prepares for staged elections with crackdown on dissent

United for Iran is deeply concerned about the escalating crackdown by the Iranian government on expression and assembly ahead of the March 2 parliamentary elections. Since the start of 2012, more than 100 Iranian citizens have been detained for non-violent political activism surrounding the elections and two have reportedly died in custody. Opposition parties, high profile political…

Secret Executions: Findings Challenge Judiciary’s False Narrative

Secret Executions: Findings Challenge Judiciary’s False Narrative

(5 January 2012) The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran published the first public list of 101 victims of secret group executions in Vakilabad Prison today. The Campaign called on the Iranian Parliament and judiciary to immediately institute a moratorium on executions and to move swiftly to abolish the death penalty. “Unfortunately, many of these executions happen behind…