World Domination Summit

World Domination Summit

I can’t define activism for you. It could be speaking out against a regime or being beaten at a protest against white supremacy. Activism could be...

Free My Cousin, Mehdi Khodaei

Free My Cousin, Mehdi Khodaei

5 years ago my cousin Mehdi was arrested by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Throughout the 2009 protests, Mehdi and I worked separately with student...

Help Secure Jason Rezaian’s Release

Help Secure Jason Rezaian’s Release

From Jason's petition: Jason Rezaian is a Washington Post correspondent that has been imprisoned by the Iranian government since July...

Step by Step to Stop Death Penalty

Step by Step to Stop Death Penalty

Eight key activists have launched the Step by Step to Stop Death Penalty campaign, demanding an end to executions in Iran. The eight, including...