Art and Activism

Art and Activism

  Dear friend, This past weekend, our team helped launch In Honor of Iran’s Political Prisoners –– a mural, art, and performance project in...

Can you join us this Sunday?

Can you join us this Sunday?

  Dear friends, I’ve always believed that art is the heart of activism –– it shows us how our lives are connected, challenges our...

Mad Graffiti Week Iran – Update

Mad Graffiti Week Iran – Update

Activists and artists around the world from Egypt to Indonesia, Sweden to Washington, D.C. have been participating this month in the street art campaign Mad Graffiti Week Iran to raise awareness about the serious human rights violations that continue to take place in Iran. People are using artwork on shirts, posters, signs, walls, sidewalks, and the sides of cars to call on for the release of…در ماه جاری فعالین و هنرمندان در اقصی نقاط دنیا، از مصر گرفته تا اندونزی، و از سوئد تا واشنگتن دی سی، در یک کمپین “هنر خیابانی” به نام هفته همبستگی گرافیتی با ایران مشارکت کردند تا در مورد نقض شدید و ادامه دارحقوق بشر در ایران آگاهی رسانی کنند. آنها از کارهای هنری خود، که بر روی لباس، پوسترها، تابلوها، دیوارها، پیاده روها وبدنه ی اتومبیل ها نقاشی و حکاکی شده اند، به منظور بیان خواسته های خود استفاده کرده اند. خواسته ی آزادی زندانیان سیاسی، برابری جنسیتی، اصلاحات دموکراتیک و پایان بخشیدن به اعدام ها در ایران. شما نیز به آنها بپیوندید!

Mad Graffiti Week Iran – Update

Join the Mad Graffiti Campaign for Human Rights in Iran!

An estimated 500 political prisoners remain behind bars in Iran for their dissent against the policies of the Iranian government. Hundreds more have been persecuted through politically motivated trials. They include human rights defenders, lawyers, journalists, opposition activists, community leaders, and ordinary Iranian citizens. In an effort to highlight these and other…

Mad Graffiti Week Iran – Update

Stencil in Solidarity with Human Rights in Iran!

Beginning April 1, 2012 – the Facebook group Mad Graffiti Week Iran is calling on everyone to stencil in honor of political prisoners. Inspired by and with the support of Egyptian Mad Graffiti Week, the call is for everyone to draw for the human rights movement in Iran, for freedom for political prisoners, for an end to repression and executions, for free expression of the Iranian people and media…

Katayoun Shahabi and Mehran Zinatbakhsh Released

Katayoun Shahabi and Mehran Zinatbakhsh Released

According to a report by Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) website, Katayoun Shahabi, an Iranian documentary film distributor and Mehran Zinatbakhsh, a documentary filmmaker, who were arrested along with several other documentary filmmakers on 17 September on the charge of collaborating with BBC Television, were released on bail on Wednesday, 9 November. Ataollah Hayati…