Weekly Rights Podcast 38

Weekly Rights Podcast 38

In this week’s Weekly Rights Podcast: Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran presents his findings on human rights abuses at...

San Diego, CA: Stand Up For Women!

Stand Up For Women! End Violence, Exploitation, and Oppression Date & Time: Thursday, October 20th • 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Location: Fairbanks...

100 Hours Behind Bars (Vienna, Austria)

In a symbolic act, one Vienna activist from Amnesty imprisoned himself publicly behind prison bars from 19 to 23 Sept (totaling 100 hours). Event...

Marathon for Human Rights in Iran

Marathon for Human Rights in Iran

One amazing activist has very generously offered to help raise money for United4Iran by taking part in a half marathon run (about 13 miles!)...