As the days between us and Ashura grow, we move closer to 22 Bahman (Feb 11), the 31st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, and what could bring another round of mass demonstrations against this same Islamic Republic. BBC’s “On This Day” has a great, searchable archive of the most significant stories broadcast by BBC News between 1950-2005. The reports feel just as if the events were happening in Twitter Real-Time. If you search “February 11th” in the BCC archive, the third result is a report from 1979 detailing 22 Bahman, the day that marks the beginning of the Islamic Republic.

From BBC’s “On This Day” Archive: An announcement on television said the three bases had been surrounded by revolutionary forces and negotiations were under way for their surrender. There had been rumours of a possible military coup. But a meeting of senior generals this afternoon acknowledged this would split the army and cause serious bloodshed. They put out a statement at 1400 local time ordering troops to return to their garrisons in order to prevent further bloodshed and anarchy.
It’s an odd concept to understand immediately demonstrating against the Islamic Republic on the anniversary of its birth. Until you remember this revolution took place 31 years ago, and a good majority of the people demonstrating probably weren’t born yet. But they’re all about the right age to remember an event with a shared anniversary: the release of Nelson Mandela on February 11, 1990, who would go on to become the first South African president elected in a fully representative democratic election. Demonstrations are being planned worldwide in conjunction with 22 Bahman to maintain awareness of the ongoing human and civil rights struggle in Iran and to show solidarity with the Iranian people as they take to the streets on February 11th. If you are organizing an event for 22 Bahman, or are interested in coordinating one in your area, check our our Affiliates section to find a group near you! Or send an e-mail to Details regarding demonstrations worldwide will be posted in the coming days, so check back soon!