United for Iran’s team is a global and diverse network of Iranian activists and allies dedicated to supporting a free and democratic Iran. Due to security concerns that are inherent to the nature of our work, only a small number of team members share their work and activism publicly. You can learn about a few of our team members below.

Reza Ghazinouri
Executive Director
Reza Ghazinouri’s work stands at the intersection of technology and human rights. As the founder of IranCubator, Reza has been instrumental in the development of several technological tools that champion human rights and civic engagement, including the Gershad app, a crowd-sourced tool designed to assist Iranians in finding safe routes without being stopped or arrested by the morality police. This initiative, among others, has contributed to the evolution of lifestyle activism in Iran.
Throughout his career, Reza has been involved in multiple critical internet freedom initiatives. His background in security, privacy, and risk management has positioned him to contribute to the security of digital platforms that cater to minorities and those in vulnerable situations. Reza holds multiple industry accreditations such as CISM, CISA, and CISSP.

Firuzeh Mahmoudi
Founder and President
The 1979 Iranian revolution, and the years that followed, shaped who I am. I remember being part of massive rallies, captivated by the excitement, chaos, and hope. By fifth grade I had a strong sense of justice, and changed schools from an affluent community to one that served the working class.
I left Iran for the US when I was twelve.
I studied political economics at UC Berkeley, and later earned master’s degrees in environmental science and public policy. For seven years, I worked as an international coordinator and an environmental health advocate, first at the NGO Health Care Without Harm and later at a United Nations Development Program project on toxic and waste reduction. I worked towards building movements in partnership with communities in twenty global south countries.
When, in 2009, millions of Iranians protested the presidential election, and were brutally suppressed, I felt proud and heartbroken. The final straw was viewing the video “Where Is This Place?” Listening to a woman reading her poem through tears shifted something in me, and I decided to organize a global day of action. With rallies in 110 cities, July 25, 2009, turned out to be the largest day of global support for Iran in history. Shortly after, I founded United for Iran.
Creating and collectively growing United for Iran has been the most challenging and rewarding work—my life’s work.

Shaghayegh Norouzi
Persian Communications Manager
I joined United for Iran due to my enthusiasm for justice and dream of a free and democratic Iran. Prior to my work with U4I, I was an actress and, later, a co-founder of Iran’s #MeToo movement, and I helped create social media pages and channels to help ensure that women’s stories are heard. My hope is for these movements to remain alive and keep up their work until women and the queer community receive their rightful recognition and share of justice throughout the world.I believe, together, we can create a world free from discrimination, violence, and injustice. My work with United for Iran is a part of that goal, and I hope to help connect with others and build communities that empower and uplift one another.

Alireza Ahmadi
Project Assistant, Safe Activism
With an unwavering commitment to the cause of freedom and happiness for Iran, I, as an Iranian individual, consistently strive to stand alongside those who champion the pursuit of liberty. During my time in Iran, I actively participated in the fight for freedom, and since relocating from my homeland, I have remained steadfast in supporting and amplifying the voices of political prisoners and their families within Iran.
As a dedicated project assistant at United For Iran, my primary focus revolves around providing comprehensive support to activists and protesters who tirelessly work towards bringing about positive change. Through my role, I have come to understand that irrespective of one’s academic background or professional occupation, there are always avenues through which one can contribute to the betterment of our world, fostering an environment that is conducive to enhanced quality of life.
By actively engaging in initiatives aimed at nurturing a society characterized by freedom and contentment, I continue to play my part in the noble mission of facilitating a brighter future for Iran.

Masi Abolhassan
Researcher, Safe Activism
I have worked in Iran since 2000 as a social and political journalist in various newspapers and magazines. My last position as a journalist in Iran was as a media consultant for the Tehran City Council member – a job which gave me a closer look at the censorship and control system in the Islamic Republic and made me completely abandon full-time journalism in Iranian media in 2016. That position made me realize that I could not change this repressive regime with my individual and secret activities – instead, I needed to be part of a team.
After this realization I secretly attended a short course on women’s leadership at a university outside of Iran, and I met other active women in this field. Accordingly, because of my activities for women’s rights, the Islamic Republic sentenced me to prison in 2020, and upon my release I fled the country and became a refugee in Turkey. My work with United for Iran is the opportunity that I have been looking for in recent years. I am happy today that I can fight for the freedom of Iran along with the other fighters of the United for Iran team.

Siamand Rezaei
Researcher, Safe Activism
As a Kurdish citizen, I have always faced discrimination in Iran, including due to my gender identity, language, culture, ethnicity, and even religious discrimination. When I was in Iran, I tried my best to fight this type of discrimination and I never accepted the existing conditions. But when increased pressure made my activities and life possibilities too narrow, I had to leave the country. After I left, I have always tried to the best of my ability to strive for the ideals of freedom and to be the voice of political prisoners and oppressed Iranian nationalities, sexual and gender minorities, environmental activists and other sections of society.
Currently, as a dedicated researcher at United for Iran, my main focus is on supporting activists and protesters who are working to bring about positive changes in Iranian society and achieve a democratic and equal system. In my opinion, in our region, the Middle East is involved in war, and injustice, and nations are led by autocratic, anti-women, anti-LGBT and anti-environmental governments. In this environment, any effort, even if small, to bring freedom, equality and democracy is useful and commendable. My goal is to be in sync with activists and people who fight for a free and democratic life in the Middle East, especially Iran and Kurdistan.

Awin Mostafazadeh
Researcher, Safe Activism
As a Kurdish woman, I have experienced the double oppression of being both a woman and a Kurd in the Islamic Republic. Even as a teenager, the trauma and suffering I faced was extensive – in the town where I grew up, Iran’s security forces pressured the citizens so severely that there was an almost complete suffocation of civic and political activity. At some point, I realized I could no longer live under such a situation. When I was 17, I secretly left Iran with the aim of working as a human rights activist abroad.
I began working as a human rights activist immediately after leaving Iran. A number of friends and colleagues of mine in the Kurdish community began our work by launching the Kurdpa website, which documents human rights violations in Kurdistan. In more than a decade of my activity with Kurdpa, I have reported on multiple human rights violations in Kurdistan, including documenting arrests and the experiences of political prisoners. In the past year, we began a collaboration with the Iran Prison Atlas, which has provided me with the opportunity to focus on understanding the patterns of repression and detention of ethnic groups, and to be the voice of Kurdish political prisoners.
I have a bachelor’s degree in sociology, and have a special interest in issues facing Kurdish women. I believe that solving the human rights issues in Kurdistan and elsewhere requires the recognition and understanding of the intertwining oppressions facing people in the region.

Masoud Raeisi
Researcher, Safe Activism
I am a Balochi human rights and political activist and have worked in this field since I was a university student. In 2009, I was arrested by the Islamic Republic’s security forces because some of my activities involved collaboration with activists and contacts living outside of the country. This arrest led to increased pressure on me and my family by the government. Because of this, I was forced to leave Iran in 2014 and have since expanded my activities. During this time, I have worked as a member of the Central Council of the Balochistan Human Rights Group. Amid the lack of independent media covering the news about Balochistan and human rights abuses in this area, I launched the Rasanknews website.
As the editor-in-chief of Rasanknews, I have shared reports and documentation of human rights violations in Balochistan with international organizations and the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran. To contribute to my goal of achieving freedom, democracy, equality and human rights in Iran, I was hired by United for Iran in 2022, where I currently work as a researcher for the Safe Activism project.

Ghazal Rasouli
Production Manager
When I was 16, my life changed forever. After the Green Movement protests in 2009, my family and I were forced to flee Iran. The Islamic Republic stole my childhood and youth, turning me into a refugee for the past 15 years. That loss, that forced displacement, shaped everything I have done since. It was never a choice, it was survival. But in that struggle, I found my purpose: to fight for the rights and freedom that were taken from me and so many others.
I have spent over 13 years working in media, but my true calling became clear in the past seven years, using my skills to support human rights and amplify the voices of those too often silenced. Alongside my team, I co-founded End of Monoling, an initiative advocating for mother tongue rights for marginalized ethnic communities. Our campaign, #ManoFarsi, grew beyond what we ever imagined, proving that even the smallest efforts can spark meaningful change.
When I joined United for Iran nearly three years ago, I found a place where my activism could truly make an impact. As a Production Manager, I work with an inspiring team to use media and technology as tools for freedom, justice, and dignity for all Iranians. I believe in the power of collective action. No single person can change the world alone, but together, we can help build a future where no one is oppressed for who they are, the language they speak, or the rights they demand.

Zachary Stickney
Project Manager, Safe Activism
I first volunteered with United for Iran as a college student following the protests surrounding the 2009 election. I was both moved by the Iranian people’s dedication to the ideals of liberty and democracy and inspired by – what appeared to be – the transformative power of technology to help people organize and achieve those ideals. Later, the Arab Spring seemed to echo what may have been the high water mark for optimism concerning the link between technology, freedom of information, and democratic governance. This optimism excited me, and I volunteered and worked with colleagues at United for Iran and beyond to help build technologies of liberation.
Fast forward to today, the relationship between technology and democracy appears increasingly fraught, as governments throughout the world use advanced and emerging tools for surveillance, oppression, and state violence against their own people. My original optimism has been tempered by a realization that technology alone won’t save us. Solidarity, and commitment to the idea that none of us are truly free until all of us are, just might. The Iranian poet Saadi captured this spirit centuries ago, writing that “the children of Adam are limbs to each other, having been created of one essence.” I work with United for Iran to contribute to a future where Saadi’s vision of solidarity, justice, and community prevails.