Donor FAQ


Is United for Iran a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit?

Yes. United for Iran has been a registered 501(c)(3) since 2014.

Does United for Iran have an EIN #?

Yes. Our EIN is: 27-0596427. You can use this number to verify our non-profit status if you would like.

Can I send a check or money order via mail for my donation?

Of course! If you prefer to donate using a check, money order, or other non-digital form of payment, you can mail it here:

c/o The Port Workspaces
344 20th Street

Please make the check out to “U4I.”

Is it possible to keep my donation confidential?

As an organization focused on developing civil liberties and human rights in Iran, we deeply understand the desire for donors to be private or even anonymous. United for Iran keeps all donor information confidential and will not share donor information with third parties unless required by law.

For donors whose situation may be particularly sensitive, we partner with a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) to enable donors to make donations or grants to United for Iran completely anonymously. For more information on donating through this route, contact us at:

Where does the money go when I donate to your organization?

For over 15 years, United for Iran has aimed to do whatever we can to most strategically and directly support the activist community in Iran. We believe deep and lasting change is possible only through homegrown and broad-based movements. All of U4I’s efforts focus on supporting in-country activists – be it everyday citizens or movement leaders – as well as Iranian civil society. You can learn more about our current and past initiatives in the dropdown menu under “What We Do.”

How can I contact you if I have other questions?

The best way to reach us is through email at