This is the “Weekly Rights Podcast” a review of major human rights issues by the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran…. It’s October 16th and this our thirteenth weekly podcast. On Thursday, October 14
th, human rights lawyer Mohammad Mustafei addressed the European Parliament’s Human rights…. Amputations and floggings are on the rise in Iran. These are punishments for minor offences like theft, or for political ends. Iranian officials are acknowledging the trend…. Judicial authorities are continuing to put pressure on lawyers from the Defenders of Human Rights Center…. Mohammad Seifzadeh. October 9
th, was his initial trial on the charge of founding the organization – which had been declared illegal. But Seifzadeh says the trial itself was illegal. There was no jury, and the court refused to call any witnesses for the defense. Seifzadeh says the prosecutor presented no evidence – but kept repeating unrelated questions, about Seifzadeh’s allegiance to the Supreme Leader. Seifzadeh is awaiting his sentence…. Meanwhile the Revolutionary Court summoned another lawyer from the Defenders of Human Rights Center.

Click here to listen to the podcast: http://www.iranhumanrights.org/2010/10/podcast-14/