27 Feb 2010 Vahid Poorostad, journalist, author, and lawyer who was arrested on February 9th, along with many other journalists and political activists who were arrested before the February 11th ceremonies, might soon be released with the stipulation of bail. A source who is in contact with Poorostad’s brother and close to the case, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that Poorostad must refer to the Branch 3 Interrogation to arrange for his administrative legal paperwork. Poorostad also had a short contact with his home and stated that he is in Ward 240 of Evin Prison. The Ministry of Information is responsible for the arrest of Poorostad. According to the mentioned source his brother has repeatedly appeared in the said location, but he has not been able to meet him. His family had appeared to visit him last Thursday, but permission for visitation was not granted. Despite Vahid Poorostad’s telephone call indicating the possibility of his release, officials have not shown any sign of complying with his family. Prior background: Poorostad has been a member of the editorial council of such newspapers such as Mosharakat, Yas’e Now, and Vaghaye’ Etafaghiyeh. He was also one of the first members of the editorial council of Etemad Melli newspaper, but was expelled last year. Farhikhtegan was the last newspaper that Vahid Poorostad was active in its editorial council. He was very active in many reformist newspapers, including Etemad Meli, Mosharakat, Salam, and Mosharakat. Vahid Poorostad is the author and producer of a collection of books related to media law documents in Iran. Some of his published books are, The Trial of Toos, The Trial of Aava, and the Trial of Adineh, which he elaborates on the formation of these publications and their court process. Source: http://www.iranhumanrights.org/2010/02/vahid-poorostad-possiblity-of-release/