E-letter updated 1/04/11

Updates 1/4/11 – The ICHRI reported that there are no new developments pertaining to a re-review of the case. The last detained member of Habibollah Latifi’s family, several of whom were arrested at the prisoner’s father’s home only a few hours after the execution was postponed, was released yesterday. According to a source close to the family, all detained family members were forced to sign promises not to talk to the media, and at this time they are all quarantined. 12/26/10 – The ICHRI is also reporting that following the news of the postponed execution, sources from Sanandaj told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that some family members were arrested by security agents. Some close to the case also said that there is concern regarding the silencing of family members as way of preventing protests surrounding executions. 12/26/10 – The Committee of Human Rights Reporters (CHRR) has posted that reportedly Habibollah Latifi’s family has been arrested after the execution stay causing much concern. (P2E has translated this into English here.) The ICHRI also 12/26/10 – A recent statement from Habibollah Latifi’s sister Elahe on the delay of his execution is circulating the internet:

Habib asked that we sincerely thank all the citizens who worked so hard on his behalf. He asked that I kiss your hands and your eyes. I want to thank every single one of my beloved country men and women who stayed up with us these past few nights, who supported us and never left our side. It was because you stayed up with us, because you felt our pain, because you contacted us and did everything in your power to help us, it was because of your pressure that Habib was not executed this morning. All our efforts are to ensure that not only Habib’s death sentenced is overturned but that more importantly the death penalty in general is abolished in Iran. These efforts are not only for Habib but for all Iranian people. We call on the Iranian people to protest and not remain silent so that together we can ensure that the death penalty is abolished in Iran. There are so many other individuals on death row. Our goal is to ensure that their sentences are also overturned. [Habib] was in great spirits. Today they allowed us to have a face to face visit at 9:00 a.m. Habib was well and asked us to thank all the citizens both in Iran and abroad who worked so hard to make sure that his death sentence did not take place this morning.

12/26/10 – The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran (ICHRI) has also posted an update:

Sunday 4:00 pm Tehran time: The execution sentence of the Kurdish student, Habibilah Latifi, was halted today after widespread protests within Iran as well as by the international community. According to his lawyer, Saleh Nikbakht, this development should provide “at least two more months” for trying to save his life.

12/26/10 – The mainstream media is now covering the postponement of the execution.

12/25/10 – Several news sources are reporting that Habibollah Latifi’s execution has been stayed (see more below)! Collectively, you all sent a total of over 60,000 messages to worldwide, UN, and IRI officials. Your voice, while echoing those of Iran’s prisoners, does have an effect, a true impact, and I hope that all of you international activists out there know that the letters, postcards, outward concern, and loud calls for media attention can help. Thanks to all of you, every single person who took time out of their holiday season to show support for the life of a young Kurdish student. ‭BBC ‮فارسی‬ – ‮ايران‬ – ‮حکم اعدام حبیب الله لطیفی اجرا نشد‬ – 12/25/10 – As of 1:10pm PST, you have collectively sent 48,220 messages. 12/25/10 – Dutch Member of the European Parliament, Sophie in’t Veld, has tweeted back regarding Habibollah Latifi. “We are highly aware of this horrible situation, the repeated calls and pressure from the int’l community have little influence on regime. but efforts will continue. Give support to democracy activists where ever possible.” @SophieintVeld 12/25/10 – The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran reports that Latifi’s Lawyer is Inside Larijani’s Office requesting clemency and the postponement of Habibollah Latifi’s execution. 12/25/10 – MidEastYouth has published an extensive report regarding Habibollah Latifi

Background From International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran: Habibollah Latifi’s lawyer, Saleh Nikbakht, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that he has been served with his client’s execution orders and the Kurdish university student will be hung on Sunday, 26 December. (UPDATE: On 12/26/10 the sentence was postponed, but e-letters should still be sent!)

Habibollah Latifi is a university student from Kurdistan who has been sentenced to death on charge of Moharebeh, enmity with God.  He is currently imprisoned at the Sanandaj Prison.  Several sources have reported Latifi’s various illnesses such as intestinal infection, heart problems, and kidney failure. The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran called for an immediate halt to this unfair sentence, and for the case to be reviewed by a judge independent of security forces.  The Campaign believes this ruling must be challenged to bring attention to the ever-increasing influence of intelligence-security forces over  the Iranian Judiciary and in determining outcomes of trials. The Campaign believes these intelligence-security forces are ultimately pushing towards large scale political executions and any silence in the face of such politically-motivated executions could lead to devastating results in the condition of Iranian political prisoners. Directions The letter is here. If you choose to add a personal message to the e-letter, please keep it polite, human-rights focused, and without rhetoric. To the right of the e- letter page are the recipients of the e-mail you send. You don’t have to send a letter multiple times (one click will send your message to all of the listed officials). Below the letter are personal fields to fill out. Enter as much information as you feel comfortable. A VALID e-mail address is required; however, if you don’t feel comfortable sharing your e-mail, consider making an e-mail account just to use for actions like this. You do NOT have to sign your name in the letter. If you enter your name in the “Name” field, it will fill it in for you. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail us at