Click here to send e-letters for Nasrin Sotoudeh!

E-letter updated 1/11/11

We strongly encourage all to send e-letters to Iranian officials, the High Commissioner on vthe life of Nasrin Sotoudeh, an imprisoned human rights lawyer and the winner of Italy’s 2008 Human Rights International Award. This United4Iran campaign, which demands that the Iranian government immediately release Sotoudeh, has been launched based on an emergency request from Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi. As a colleague of Nasrin Sotoudeh, Ms. Ebadi urges people worldwide to send these e-letters calling upon the High Commissioner for Human rights and their governments to work to save Nasrin’s life. Update 1/11/11: On January 9, 2010 the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran reported that she was sentenced to 11 years prison and banned from practicing law or traveling for 20 years. The judge sentenced her to five years in prison on  charge of “acting against national security,” another five years for “not  wearing hejab (Islamic dress) during a videotaped message,” and one year  for “propaganda against the regime.” Update 11/11/10: The ICHRI is reporting that Nasrin is still on a hunger strike, but taking water.

Background excerpted from Change for Equality Nasrin Sotoudeh, the imprisoned human rights lawyer, has been on a dry hunger strike since Sunday October 31. According to reports her health is not good. According to reports by Radio Farda, Reza Khandan, Nasrin Sotoudeh’s husband has reported that his wife has gone on a dry hunger strike, refusing to drink even water or liquids, in protest to her situation in prison and lack of observance of her legal rights by officials of the Islamic Republic. Sotoudeh was allowed a visit with her children, her sister and her mother-in-law on November 4, 2010. She informed her family members about her hunger strike during this visit. According to reports, Sotoudeh’s children were very upset and depressed after seeing their mother, who did not look well and who had lost a considerable amount of weight. Her telephone contact with her family has been minimal since her arrest and she has been allowed only two visits with her family members since her detention, but has not been allowed to see her husband. Reza Khandan has been threatened by officials about conducting interviews with the press on the situation of his wife and has been warned not to publicize her situation. Sotoudeh is a colleague of Shirin Ebadi at the Defenders of Human Rights Center, and also served as one of Ebadi’s lawyers. Read a full background here: Additional Information & Actions Amnesty – Human Rights Attorney Nasrin Sotoudeh Must be Released International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran – Life of Jailed Human Rights Lawyer at Great Risk

Directions The letter can be found here. If you choose to add a personal message to the e-letter, please keep it polite, human-rights focused, and without rhetoric. To the right of the e- letter page are the recipients of the e-mail you send. You don’t have to send a letter multiple times (one click will send your message to all of the listed officials). Below the letter are personal fields to fill out. Enter as much information as you feel comfortable. A VALID e-mail address is required; however, if you don’t feel comfortable sharing your e-mail, consider making an e-mail account just to use for actions like this. You do NOT have to sign your name in the letter. If you enter your name in the “Name” field, it will fill it in for you. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail us at

Click here to send e-letters calling for the release of Nasrin Sotoudeh!