On the day of Ahmadinejad’s address to the United Nations, several activist groups from across the United States and Canada, including UASDI and New York’s SCADI, joined in front of UN Plaza during Ahamadinejad’s speech to rally and protest against rights abuses. From there, many continued once more to the Hilton to make heard the voices of the Iranian people.

The rally saw performances from musician Rana Farhan, as well as a public painting “session” by artist Soheil Tavakoli. Many signed postcards to be sent to UN officials demanding accountability for rights abuses, freedom for prisoners of conscience, fair trials and due process, and a special envoy be sent to Iran.

See a gallery of pictures and a series of videos below.

Singer, Rana Farhan

The postcard campaign

Protest outside the Hilton (note the large amount of security and number of street barricades)


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