UPDATED July 1, 2010: This campaign is no-longer active. Please see here for a list of active campaigns: http://org2.democracyinaction.org/o/6160/p/dia/action/public/index
Sending letters saves lives. Demand an immediate halt to executions by sending a letter to Iranian embassies and consulates worldwide.
Pick your language and submit your letter to help make the people of Iran HEARD. Click below for the letter.
Send a “Halt Executions” e-letter in…
Read below to to learn more about the impacts and successes of public advocacy.
Why this Campaign? The number of protesters and minorities receiving execution sentences has grown astoundingly in the last couple weeks. Prisoners have “disappeared” without record or trace, the charge of “Mohareb” (enmity against God) has been dealt like a deck of cards, and families have been pressured not to speak to the media about their detained – or soon to be executed – loved ones.
How can I help?
A lot of us want to know: What do we do? How can we help? What are our options?
One answer: make noise.
Make it known not just that unfair sentences were dealt, but also that these sentences have been given to people with names, stories, families, and favorite restaurants. Showcase their faces, say their names, lodge a complaint. We must make our voices heard and echo those of the Iranian people.
Just as the famous Thoreau argues, citizens of the globe cannot allow the world’s authorities to “atrophy” our consciences or our faculty as humans to distinguish right from wrong. We cannot, as Thoreau continues, simply submit to what we know is wrong — to do so is to enable authorities in their abuses and violations and to make them “agents of injustice.”
Does Public Advocacy WORK?
Amnesty International has, for the past 49 years, used public advocacy campaigns to to draw attention to cases just as these. To date, over 44,000 people have been released because of Amnesty’s letters, petitions, and other forms of public advocacy.
In Iran, public advocacy campaigns have already resulted in the release of several prisoners. Newsweek correspondent, Maziar Bahari, for example, was released after “several hundred authors, journalists, and filmmakers from around the world, including several Nobel prize winners, [signed] petitions asking for his release.”
Another imprisoned activist, Koroush Zaim, was imprisoned (again) after the disputed June 2009 election. His son, musician and activist Turaj Zaim, committed to a 2 week hunger strike in an attempt to garner attention for his father and pressure the government to release his father. Turaj did not finish his hunger strike, as 12 days into it, his father was released from prison in Iran.
Halt Executions – Campaign Letters To this end, U4I is facilitating several public advocacy campaigns to assist in garnering international attention for the various detainees and those at risk of execution. The effort can be as simple as changing your Facebook or Twitter profile icons to reflect the action, or can be as in depth as sending a letter to Iranian embassies and consulates around the globe.
Letters are e-mailed directly to embassies and consulates around the world. The letters are currently available in the below languages.
[English] – [Farsi] – [French] – [German]
سابقهٔ کمپی
این کمپین این امکان را به ما میدهد تا برای سفارتهای ایرانی و ادارات دیپلماتیک در سراسر دنیا نامه بنویسیم و برای پروندهٔ محمد امین ولیان درخواست تجدید نظر کنیم. اگر شما به هر صورتی میتوانید با مقامات رسمی یا نمایندهای در جمهوری اسلامی ایران یا قوهٔ قضاییه ایران ارتباط برقرار کنید، از شما خواستاریم تا نگرانیها و صدای خانواده ی ولیان را کا هر لحظه ممکن است عزیز خود را در قوهٔ قضاییه فاسد از دست بدهند، انعکاس دهید
اعتراض کنید. فراموش نکنید که تمام دنیا، درد این پسر جوان و خانوادهاش را احساس میکند. شما هم در قلبتان این رأ احساس میکنید. صدای خود را انعکاس دهید. به ما کمک کنید تا این اعدام را متوقف کنیم. به ما کمک کنید تا تمام زندانیان وجدان در امنیت کامل آزاد شوند. با کمک شما ایران میتواند مملکتی باشد که مردمش شایستگی آن رأ دارند