Two members of One Million Signatures Campaign Detained in Isfahan (5 December 2009) Security forces arrested fifteen women belonging to the...
Mothers Arrested Before Opposition Rally in Iran
Ahead of a planned opposition rally on Monday, Iran tightened security and arrested over 20 mothers who were mourning children killed in the unrest...
Why Iran Is Targeting Nobel Winner Ebadi
When Iranian Shirin Ebadi won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003 for her work as a lawyer and human-rights activist, the regime in Tehran faced a...
Iran Siezes Ebadi’s Nobel Peace Medal
We've collected the numerous articles covering Iran's siezure of Ebadi's Nobel medal. Read below for the AP article. Additional links to news...
Targeting of Women’s Rights Campaigners Seen as Effort to Silence Them
(2 November 2009) The Iranian Judiciary should end its harassment of women rights activists, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran...
Iranian Women’s Voices
By: Mahnaz Afkhami Posted: October 26, 2009 01:44 PM In the flood of news and information that surrounds us every day, we may take for granted the...
Iranian women’s rights activists win courage award
Iranian women's rights activists win courage award - Tue, Oct 06 16:08 PM EDT By Kylie MacLellan LONDON (Reuters) - A group of women who are risking...