(3 March 2011) Iranian officials should immediately end the illegal, incommunicado detention of four leading opposition figures: Mehdi Karroubi; Mir...
End Enforced Disappearance of Opposition Leaders
Judiciary must clarify their condition and legal situation (26 February 2011) The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran called for the...
Mousavi And Karroubi Moved To IRGC House-Prison Around Tehran, Says Informed Source
As contradictory news about the house arrest or imprisonment of the two Iranian opposition leaders, Mehdi Karroubi and Mir Hossein Mousavi, is...
Karroubi Moved Out of His House,” Neighbor Says–Fear of His Arrest Grows
“Their lights were out last night. There are no security forces on their street. They have been transferred,” Says Neighbor of Karroubi Contrary to...
Two Opposition Leaders Under House Arrest Without Summons or Charges
The house arrest of prominent opposition figures Mir Hossein Moussavi and Mehdi Karroubi, after members of parliament called for their execution and...
Veteran Political Prisoner Demands Trial of Supreme Leader
In a letter written from prison, political prisoner Heshmatollah Tabarzadi asked international courts to review his grievance against Iran’s Supreme...
The Arrest of Mehdi Khazali: Continued Pressure On Critics
Mehdi Khazali, an ophthalmologist, writer, and critical blogger, was arrested on Wednesday, 13 October 2010, while he was traveling. According to...
CNN: US adds more sanctions against Iran for human rights abuses (video & article)
From CNN: http://edition.cnn.com/2010/US/09/29/iran.new.sanctions/index.html?eref=rss_world Washington (CNN) -- Citing "mounting evidence" of...
Letter of Prominent Prisoner of Conscience, Abdollah Momeni, to Ayatollah Khamanei
In the Name of God Ayatollah Khamenei The Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran During one of my days in detention at Evin prison, I had the...
Leader Accountable for Violence Against Opposition Leaders
(3 September 2010) The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran holds Iran’s Supreme Leader responsible for the safety of presidential...