13 April 2010

Eftekhar Barzegarian, a student activist at Mashad Ferdowsi University who has been in prison since September 2009, is suffering from a grave illness. Student sources told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that he is currently suffering from multiple illnesses and is repeatedly vomiting blood everyday. In continued efforts to put pressure on the imprisoned student and against doctor’s warnings, Mashad’s Vakilabad Prison Security Unit has prevented administration of medication to him and has forbidden him from sleeping on a bed. Even though Barzegarian’s interrogations ended in October, and despite the fact that his bail was set and his friends raised and posted the bail amount, he continues his illegal detention at Mashad’s Vakilabad Prison. The authority in charge of Barzegarian’s case has not accepted the bail which was posted by his friends, and has made his release conditional on a written promise by him to leave the city of Mashad and to live in another city. Previously, Eftekhar Barzegarian was sentenced to four months’ deprivation of education, which was calculated in his total years-to-finish period, causing his expulsion from the university.

Source: http://www.iranhumanrights.org/2010/04/student-activist-contracts-infectious-diseases-at-mashad-prison/