Update August 10, 2010 – According to reports, the group of prisoners have ended a two-week hunger strike in Evin prison protesting against ill treatment. Whether the strike has ended or not, the campaign will continue to highlight not only their hunger strike, but the denial of those rights that drove these 16 prisoners to strike in the first place . These rights include improved prison conditions and access to medical care. Please continue to submit your photos to be compiled into a file campaign project meant to highlight  prison abuses. In addition to taking part in this campaign, please take 30 seconds to send an e-letter to various officials worldwide demanding improved prison conditions and a halt to arbitrarily restricted medical care. The letter can be found here: http://bit.ly/cGohAf

The poster to download (found at the bottom of the page)

Update August 8, 2010 – Babak Bordbar, the detained photo-journalist and one of the 17 on hunger strike, was released a few days ago. Read more about these developments here: http://www.zamaaneh.com/enzam/2010/08/photow01-iranian-politica.html U4I and MidEastYouth (MEY) are working to raise awareness and encourage the public to take part in an online-based hunger strike campaign. A similar campaign, which was initiated in May 2010, used a comparable method of printing visuals and taking footage with it to highlight the arbitrary imprisonment of the 7 Baha’i leaders. The campaign received a good deal of attention and support, and saw participation from every reach of the world. With your help (and a camera), this campaign can effectively visually highlight the demands and conditions of 17 prisoners of conscience in Iran who have assumed a hunger strike to protest their ill-treatment and prison conditions. Background Seventeen prisoners of conscience have been on a hunger strike for the past ten days (as of Aug 4th, 2010), with their health rapidly deteriorating. Each of these 17 individuals has been imprisoned due to their beliefs. Reports indicate that these 17 are being held in solitary confinement and being denied communication with their families. According to the ICHRI, three of the prisoners (Bahman Ahmadi Amouie, Keyvan Samimi, and Majid Tavakoli) started a “dry” hunger strike (denying themselves both food & liquids) . The other 14 are on a  “wet” hunger strike (taking only liquids). The fourteen include Abdollah Momeni, Ali Malihi, Hossein Nouraninejad, Kouhyar Goudarzi, Zia Nabavi, Majid Darri, Babak Bordbar, Gholamhossein Arshi, Mohammad Hossein Sohrabi rad, Ali Parviz, Hamid Reza Mohammadi, Jaafar Eghdami, Peyman Karimi Azad, and Ebrahim Babaei. The 17 on hunger strike note that they will not end their strike until their demands are met. These include “Respect for prisoners rights including refraining from insulting and demeaning prisoners, legal confrontation with guards that violate prisoner rights, return of prisoners to the general section of the prison, unconditional release of Babak Bordbar, the photojournalist who should have been released last week, increase in space as well as healthcare facilities and upholding all the legal rights of prisoners.” All 17 of these prisoners of conscience MUST be released immediately, and until they are, the world must hold the IRI authorities responsible for the health and safety of these 17  prisoners. Step forward, take action, and help highlight their demands! Read on to learn more. Source & Additional Information International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran – Release Prisoners of Conscience on Hunger Strike: http://bit.ly/bbiCEC RadioZamaneh – Police attack families of Iranian political prisoners: http://bit.ly/aI7KCD RadioZamaneh – 16 Iranian detainees go on hunger strike: http://bit.ly/d0cYB0 Directions

Students lined food trays in protest

1. Download & print the below provided poster. The poster is A4-sized, but can also be “scaled” in printing settings to your preferred paper size. The poster prints best in color. 2. Take a photograph or video with the poster. Gather friends, family, co-workers, classmates and take a group video or shot visually showing solidarity. 3. Consider “dressing-up” your video or photograph. Choose a picturesque location. Use pieces of tape “X”ed across your mouth. Line streets with trays and similar items (plates, cups, sporks) to replicate the way Iranian students protested in the aftermath of the 2009 election (see the picture to the right). 4. E-mail your photo or video to share@united4iran.org to be compiled into a final video and other potential actions. If you feel comfortable, let us know where in the world you’re sending footage from! 5. The deadline for contributing footage is Friday, August 20th, 2010. If you take pictures and still want to submit it after the deadline, feel free to do so! All of your support can be used for future actions! If you have any questions, please e-mail us at info@united4iran.org

Download the Poster (PDF)