On 19 September 2010, it was reported that prosecutors at Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Courts, presided by Judge Abolghassem Salavati, had requested the death penalty for Hossein Derakhshan. In an interview with the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, a source close to Derakhshan’s family confirmed the news. “Accusations such as ‘propagating against the regime,’ ‘collaboration with hostile governments,’ and ‘implementing obscene websites,’ are some of the charges that have been brought against Hossein,” the source said. During the past few months, Derakhshan’s family refrained from talking to the media so that his lawyers could do their work in a calm environment, but according to this source, Derakhshan has now asked that the media report on his condition. According to this source, Derakhshan’s family was not allowed to attend the latest court proceedings. Derakhshan, who has been in prison for the past two years, has spent most of his detention in solitary confinement. During last year’s post-election show trials, the group indictment read against several defendants referred to vague testimonials from an unnamed source, which many believed to be Derakhshan. It remains to be been seen what the lower court will rule, and whether the ruling is changed during the appeals process. Hossein Derakhshan was arrested several months before the election and so far has been denied leave, but in the past few months his family has had weekly meetings with him.

Source: http://www.iranhumanrights.org/2010/09/death-penalty-requested-derakhshan/