Five days ago, the homes of supporters of dissident and imprisoned cleric Seyed Hossein Kazemeyni Boroujerdi were attacked and six people arrested. No information about their whereabouts or fate is known. A source close to Boroujerdi told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that on the afternoon of Monday, 8 November 2010, security forces went to the homes of several of his supporters. Forces stormed and searched the homes, destroying furniture, and taking away personal documents, cash, precious objects, computers, and laptops belonging to the individuals and their families. According to the source, the search and confiscation of personal belongings of the arrested individuals was undertaken unlawfully. The individuals were: Dr. Roya Eraqhi, Forough Hematyar, Maryam Azimi, Tayebeh Hosseini, Narges Ghaffarzadeh; and Mr. Mohammad Reza Sadeghi. “Families of these individuals, while expressing their great concern about the fate of their children and relatives, appeal to all human rights organizations and institutions to pursue their loved ones’ situation, and to do whatever they can for the release of these individuals who have been arrested without any crime,” said the source. The Campaign has received short biographies of the arrested individuals:
- Tayebeh Hosseini, 39, teacher, married with a 12-year old child, BA in English
- Narges Ghaffarzadeh, 54, Bachelor of Business Administration
- Forough Hematyar, 30, English student, married, Associate in Arts in Health
- Maryam Azimi, 52, married with two children, BA in Persian Literature
- Mohammad Reza Sadeghi, 38, M.S. in Computer Science, former government employee
- Doctor Roya Eraqhi, 42, University Professor, Ph.D in Physical Chemistry