Stand Up For Women! End Violence, Exploitation, and Oppression

Date & Time: Thursday, October 20th • 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Location: Fairbanks Country Club   15150 San Dieguito Road, RSF 92067

RSVP by Oct. 17th, $40/person or $350 pre-paid tables of ten. Student and Table Sponsorships available! Check payable to FRWF, Box 8674, RSF, CA 92067 All Major Credit Cards Accepted

Mistress of Ceremonies Carol LeBeau Featured Speaker Marina Nemat, Author, Prisoner of Tehran Special Guest Speakers Fary Moini, Activist Anne K. Ream, Founder, The Voices & Faces Project On the Web: Telephone: 619-491-4962 Sponsor: Fairbanks Republican Women Federated

Click here to download the flyer (PDF – 2 Pages)