Download PDF of Reporters’ Guide The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran has reviewed and analyzed over twenty interviews with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and prepared a guide for reporters to be used during his visit to New York for the United Nations General Assembly. The Campaign has highlighted important trends on human rights issues and advisement on how to approach those issues with Ahmadinejad. The entire report is linked below. How to Interview Iranian Officials on Human Rights Issues I. Introduction: Human Rights Under Siege in Iran II. A Brief Summary of Major Human Rights Violations in Iran III. Iranian Officials’ Claims on Rights Issues: Myths vs. Facts IV. Notable Facts about Iran’s International Record and Cooperation on Human Rights V. Interviewing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad VI. Argumentative Ahmadinejad: Quotes from Interviews VII. Suggested Questions for President Ahmadinejad VIII. List of Interviews with Iranian Government Officials IX. Appendix: Iranian Officials’ Replies to Human Rights Oriented Questions in Previous Interviews Source: