24 Feb 2010 A source close to Mahsa Jazini told International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that Jazini is in detention at the Dastgerd Prison of Isfahan for the past 15 days. Mahsa Jazini,a women’s rights activist and a journalist with Iran Newspaper in Isfahan, was arrested on January 7, 2010 at her home. The source said that despite repeated visit by her attorney, Ali Amani, to Baharestan Judiciary Branch, no clear information has been provided about her situation. Her charges are “actions against national security,” “cooperation with foreign media,” and other similar cliched charges. According to sources close to this women’s rights activist, officers who arrested Mahsa Jazini and took her personal items away announced her crime as “being a feminist.” In the beginning, a temporary detention warrant was issued for her, the maximum time for which was stipulated as one month, intended for interrogations which mostly took place at the same Baharestan Branch. Obviously, according to judicial process, during this time her attorney could not have access to the suspect. Ms. Jazini’s mother has been able to meet with her several times in the presence of officers, until last night when Jazini contacted her for raising bail. According to Mrs. Jazini, following up on the interrogations, her interrogator intends to change her detention warrant to a conditional release pending posting of the bail, and this should be taking place over the coming days. Source: http://www.iranhumanrights.org/2010/02/possibility-of-mahsa-jazinis-release-on-bail-charges-being-a-feminist/