An ‘Anonymous’ group of cyber-activists launched an attack on several Iranian government and news websites, including the sites of the Foreign Ministry and the IRIB. Reports indicated that the websites of the Supreme Leader and President were also down for several hours after attacked by the group. The cyber-project, dubbed “#OpIran,” is only one of a series of multiple “Operations” undertaken by the group. The other #Ops aim to help activists in Algeria, Yemen, Libya, Bahrain, and more. A source close to the ‘Anonymous’ group of cyber-activists told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran (ICHRI) that “members of this group say that this is a long-term operation and that it will last until Iran is freed.” According to the same source, several Iranians within the ‘Anonymous’ group were able to help identify which sites to go after. The source also noted to the ICHRI that “if the number and timing of the attacks are coordinated and persistent, in just a few hours the targeted websites stop working, and if the attacks are widespread, they can stop the website completely.” In an interview with Radio Farda, another ‘Anonymous’ source detailed the groups’ work: “Anonymous has been assisting people in various countries where freedom of speech and freedom of information is restricted. In Iran, for instance, they have very few freedoms and very strong Internet censorship. This is why we initially became involved with Iran’s protests. One of the main goals of Anonymous is to defend freedom of speech, and this is one of the biggest problems inside Iran.” The group has released multiple videos issuing support for the Iranian people and condemning the government’s crackdown on their own citizens’ right to freedom and information, especially after the IRI’s latest media and communication crackdown. In its latest video, the group addresses the citizens of the world, saying “We will not stand idly while people are being denied their basic rights and human liberties. Yet there are still… governments worldwide who fail to even aspire to the standard of freedom that was set by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These governments believe they have the right… to impose upon their own people an ‘official’ version of ‘reality’ which isn’t in any way tampered by the truths of everyday life under which its citizens are living.” To read more about #OpIran, visit the ICHRI or read an ‘anonymous’ interview on Radio Farda.