Mohammad Amin Valian, a 20-year-old member of the Central Council of Islamic Association of Damghan Science University, was convicted on charges of heretics (moharebeh) and corruption on earth in a show trial. Amir Kabir Bulletin reports that during the Wednesday trial presided by Judge Salavati, this university student was charged with “moharebeh,” “corruption on earth,” “congregation and mutiny to commit crimes against national security,” “propagation activities against the Islamic regime,” and “Insulting top regime officials.” He is charged with participating in protest gatherings and chanting “death to dictator” slogans. According to ISNA News Agency, Mr. Valian said in his first court session: “When I was in prison, I watched on television that high ranking reformists were standing in this court.” His friends told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that such a statement is obviously extracted from him under pressure and through his interrogators’ giving him wrong and false news. Amin Valian did not accept any of his charges in court. Replying to Valian’s statements and his lawyer’s refutation of moharebeh charges, the Prosecutor’s representative indirectly backed off from this particular charge against the student activist, saying: ” Regarding the charge of heretics, moharebeh, we have many different views and this issue begs a review; the decision lies with the Judge.” Valian’s charges include statements issued by Damghan University Islamic Association and Daftar-e Tahkim-e Vahdat, also setting up a pre-elections debate between Mostafa Tajzadeh and Esmaeel Ahmadi Moghaddam. Mohammad Amin Valian was arrested on January 12, 2010, after an article was published against him in Damghan University’s Student Basij publication. After his arrest in Damghan, he was transferred to an unknown location in Tehran. Judicial and security authorities have only replied to his family’s numerous inquiries by saying that Amin Valian is detained in a “special location.” He has not had any visits with his family since his arrest, and he has not been able to select and meet with a lawyer. He has been moved directly from his solitary confinement cell in an unknown IRGC detention center to his trial court. Source: