December 11th, 2009

Esra’a (Bahrain)

Tomorrow is International Human Rights Day. This is what the United 4 Iran movement has in storage: “a day devoted to worldwide displays of musical, visual, and performing arts highlighting the issues of human rights in Iran.” We are proud to be collaborating with United 4 Iran on this project alongside Shahrzad Dance Company, Kala Art Institute, Design Action Collective, Ballet Afsaneh amongst several others. United 4 Iran spent tireless weeks putting this together, and you can be sure that their efforts will pay off, if you take a look at the extensive list of key participants who are getting involved.

12/12 Arts United for Iran Worldwide Event Poster

12/12 Arts United for Iran Worldwide Event Poster

The goals for this event are quite ambitious:

12/12 Goals

  • To continue standing in solidarity with all Iranian artists, activists, students, and concerned citizens fighting for their human and civil rights.
  • To increase public awareness regarding the continuing civil rights movement in Iran and the continuous human and civil rights violations in Iran.
  • To let the government of Iran know that we are still watching and will not tolerate the abuses.
  • To engage new partners and artists in support of civil and human rights in Iran.
  • To connect communities around the world working to support our brothers and sisters in Iran.
  • To build capacity in putting on events and building alliances.

Where is this all happening? Take a look at the locations here: