Donate & U4I will mail a postcard on your behalf

DonateNow*U4I will mail a postcard on your behalf with a small donation. We recommend a $5 donation in order to offset the costs of printing and mailing. All the funds received for postcard donations will go directly to mailing as many postcards as possible. Under the “Program Designation” drop-box on the donation page simply choose “Postcard Donations” to ensure your donation goes to the postcard campaign. Click here to donate.

On January 16, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran (ICHRI) reported that the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) has executed over 97 people in the past 30 days, among whom four were prisoners of conscience. The IRI is averaging one execution every eight hours since the start of 2011. Currently, the IRI executes more people per capita than any other country in the world, and is second only to China in number of executions overall. This past Monday (January 24, 2011), the IRI executed two post-election protesters, Mr. Jafar Kazemi and Mr. Mohammad Ali Haj Aghaee on charges of “moharebeh” (enmity against God) – a charge that, under Iranian law, is dealt to those who take up arms against the state. No such evidence was presented in the cases of Mr. Kazemi and Mr. Aghaee, and in the end, the evidence used against them included sending footage of election protests abroad. As the ICHRI notes, “Moharebeh has become the Iranian Judiciary’s catch-all justification for killing political dissidents.” Organizations and activists worldwide are urging the IRI to halt its “execution binge,” institute an immediate moratorium on executions, conduct independent reviews of pending death penalty cases, and abolish the death penalty all together. Take action today and mail postcards to officials worldwide urging a halt to executions in Iran. Directions The postcard can be downloaded and printed on your home computer, folded it in half, addressed, stamped, and mailed. To download a postcard, click the download link next to the postcard you want and save the PDF onto your computer.  If you have any trouble downloading the postcards, send us an e-mail and we’ll be happy to help. Also available are postcards  pre-addressed to various IRI officials and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. We also encourage the activist community to mail postcards to your country’s IRI embassy. Addresses for IRI embassies worldwide can be found here. Simply use the blank card provided to hand address your postcard. *Note: Please make sure to put enough postage on your postcard!

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Download Postcards Blank Postcards to Hand Address and Send Worldwide BLANK Postcard

United Nations (Pre-Addressed)

Inside Iran (Pre-Addressed)