UPDATE: Shiva has been released on approximately $500,000 bail. Now we have to make sure that the charges against her are dropped. Shiva Nazar Ahari, a 26-year old journalist and human rights activist, is facing a September 2010 trial for various politically motivated charges. We encourage everyone to print-and-mail postcards demanding the release of Shiva. The postcards can be downloaded and printed on a single sheet of paper, then folded in half. Simply put a stamp on it and mail it. If you choose to include your own message on the postcard, please keep in mind two things: 1) Do NOT write anything but a mailing address on the “address” side of the postcard because otherwise some post carriers will not deliver it. 2) Any personal messages added to the postcard should remain polite and human rights focused. The postcards are pre-addressed to be sent to various IRI embassies, officials inside Iran, Heads of State, the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, and Foreign Ministers around the world. If you cannot find a postcard to mail to an embassy, or other official in your area, please print a blank card and use this list of addresses to find an institution near you. Simply hand address the postcard, put a stamp on it, and mail it. Alternately, you can also fax the postcard. A comprehensive list of fax numbers can be found here: http://www.iranchamber.com/embassy/iran_embassy.php. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail us at info@united4iran.org
Postcard FRONT
Postcard BACK
Download & Print Postcards
BLANK POSTCARD (No Address) Download a BLANK postcard. More addresses can be found here: http://12june.org/?p=392
UNITED NATIONS Navanethem Pillay (UN High Commissioner for Human Rights)
IRAN Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei (Supreme Leader of the IRI) Ayatollah Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani (Head of the Judiciary of the IRI) Mohammad Javad Larijani (High Council for Human Rights for the IRI)
AUSTRALIA Embassy Prime Minister
AUSTRIA Embassy Foreign Minister
BELGIUM Embassy Foreign Minister
BRAZIL Embassy Foreign Minister
CANADA Embassy Foreign Minister
HUNGARY Embassy Foreign Minister
INDIA Embassy Foreign Minister
JAPAN Embassy Foreign Minister
MEXICO Embassy
NETHERLANDS Embassy Foreign Minister
NEW ZEALAND Embassy Foreign Minister
NORWAY Embassy Foreign Minister
POLAND Embassy Foreign Minister
SPAIN Embassy Foreign Minister
SWEDEN Embassy Foreign Minister
SWITZERLAND Embassy Foreign Minister
TURKEY Embassy Foreign Minister
UNITED KINGDOM Embassy Foreign Minister
UNITED STATES Secretary of State Interests Section Other Ways to Take Action! CLICK HERE TO SEND AN e-LETTER in support of Shiva Nazar Ahari