April 5 marks the 30th birthday of Ms. Bahareh Hedayat, an imprisoned journalist and student activist who has been sentenced to 9.5 years prison on politically motivated charges. To highlight Bahareh Hedayat’s case, a group of students, women’s rights, and human rights activists created a Facebook page used to launch an awareness campaign. The coordinators note that they hope the campaign will “bring her plight to the attention of student associations, human rights organizations, and international decision makers.” *Please Note: The coordinators emphasize that campaign will continue its activities and efforts past Bahareh’s birthday and “until the day Bahareh is released from prison.” Even if you can’t get a birthday card printed and mailed before her birthday, mail one within the next couple weeks anyway! The thought, even if belated, can lend a great deal of strength and hope to her and her family. Directions Below is a birthday card that can be downloaded (PDF), printed on your home computer, folded in half, stamped, and mailed. The postcard is pre-addressed to reach Ms. Hedayat’s home and family in Iran. If you have any trouble downloading the postcards, send us an e-mail and we’ll be happy to help. Click here to read about more ways you can participate! Alternately, consider a small donation and U4I will mail a birthday card on your behalf. Donate & U4I Will Mail a Postcard on Your Behalf DonateNow*U4I will mail a postcard on your behalf with a small donation. We recommend a $5 donation in order to offset the costs of printing and mailing. All the funds received for postcard donations will go directly to mailing as many postcards as possible. Under the “Program Designation” drop-box on the donation page simply choose “Postcard Donations” to ensure your donation goes to the postcard campaign. Click here to donate.

Download the Birthday Card (PDF): Bahareh Birthday Card

Postcard Front

Postcard Back