Friday, June 17 · 7:00pm – 10:00pm Universität Köln Hauptgebäude, Albertus-Magnus Platz 1, UG, Hörsaal 2, Albertus-Magnus-Platz 1 Host: UNITED 4 IRAN Köln . Bonn Facebook Event Page:

Two years have passed since the disputed presidential elections in Iran. Since then, Iranian civil society has come under massive pressure and is facing an uphill battle. The event will address their challenges. The event’s speakers include • Dr. Sohrab Razzaghi, activist and political scientist at the University of Amsterdam • Masih Alinejad, journalist, and 2007 parliamentary correspondent in Tehran • Diane Ala’i, representative of “Baha’i International Community” at the United Nations, Geneva Event Moderator: Isabel Schayani