The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran has learned that the second and last trial session of journalist and human rights activist Kaveh Ghassemi Kermanshahi was held this morning in Branch One of Kermanshah’s Revolutionary Courts with Judge Moradi presiding. As the court convened, the court secretary asked for Kermanshahi’s last defense and read his charges of “propagating against the regime,” and “acting against national security.”  The Prosecutor’s Representative also provided some details about the charges. Kermanshahi’s lawyer, Ahmadian, refuted the charges and defended his client. At the end of the session, Kermanshahi provided explanations about his activities which led to his arrest and charges. “Publishing news and reports, and conducting interviews with foreign media towards propagation against the regime,” “formation of the Kurdistan Human Rights Organazation towards disrupting national security,” and “contacting and visiting with the families of political prisoners and deceased political activists,” are some of the charges of leveled against Kermanshahi. Kaveh Kermanshahi was arrested on 3 February 2010 in Kermanshah, and after spending 110 days in prison inside the Intelligence Office Detention Center, 80 days of which were in solitary confinement. He was released on 23 May 2010 on $100,000 bail. Source: