No Steps Taken by Judiciary to Address Gross Violations of International Standards (8 April 2011) The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran called on the Iranian Judiciary to halt mass executions and inhumane conditions in Vakilabad Prison in Mashad, which an inmate detailed in a recent letter to the head of the Judiciary. The Iranian Judiciary has done nothing to address the horrific situation at Valikabad despite international concerns culminating in a report by the United Nations Secretary General released on 14 March 2011. “Vakilabad is a hell on earth, where inmates are subjected to sardine-like overcrowding, health threats, humiliations, and mass executions,” said Hadi Ghaemi, spokesperson for the Campaign. “Conditions at Vakilabad and other prisons need to be on the agenda of the new UN special rapporteur and the High Commissioner for Human Rights,” he added. Read the full article here: