In recent months, Iranian judicial authorities have imposed numerous limitations on some political prisoners’ phone call use, family visitation rights, and prison leave. Ali Tabarzadi, son of imprisoned political activist Heshmatollah Tabarzadi, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran of the plight of these prisoners. “It’s been 70 days since my father’s phone contact stopped and nobody is accountable as to the reasons for it. The prison leave for one of my father’s former cellmates, who has a non-political charge against him and is considered a regular prisoner, was cancelled and he was beaten for the crime of having had my father and Mr. Issa Saharkhiz’s [families’] phone numbers in his pocket. For a while, Kamyar Dahpahlavan was my father’s prison cellmate and, naturally, friendships develop between political prisoners and other prison mates. My father and Mr. Dahpahlavan became friends, then my father was transferred to another ward. We heard that Mr. Dahpahlavan went for a body search before he could leave the prison for his new year prison leave. [He was then] tortured with electric baton for the crime of having had my father and Mr. Issa Sahrkhiz’s phone numbers, and then his prison leave was cancelled,” said Ali Tabarzadi. Read the full article here: