Get Involved! The Azadi Square action, a joint effort with United4Iran, is part of Amnesty’s campaign for imprisoned student activist Majid Tavakkoli and hundreds of other prisoners of conscience in Iran. Below is an abbreviated summary of how to take part in the Azadi Square action and other ways to get involved. For more background, please see below or read this blog post by AI’s Iran country specialist.   A full activism guide put together by Amnesty International USA is available for download as a PDF here. The full guide includes examples of letters and posters, sample resolutions, detailed instructions, suggestions, messaging, tips for organizing, and more. Background In Iran, students continue to face egregious forms of repression and human rights abuses, as the Iranian authorities attempt to exert control over students opposed to their policies. Those who dare speak out, do so at great risk and with devastating consequences. Majid Tavakkoli is one of the hundreds of people who have been jailed in Iran for simply exercising their right to freedom of expression. Majid, a student leader, was arrested in December 2009 after speaking at a university rally. He is now serving a term of more than eight years in prison for simply criticizing the government.

A Virtual International Protest in Azadi Square

  • Pick a location to rename Azadi Square. This can be a prominent place in your community, or simply some place close to home, like your front yard.
  • Make a sign, noting that you are in Azadi Square. Here are some suggested slogans: Free Majid Tavakkoli! Or, Shine a light for human rights in Iran! For more slogans visit:  Template signs that you can download and print are also available below. But, feel free to get creative and create your own. Need some inspiration? Check out the photos on Flickr.
  • Temporarily rename your location Azadi Square. You can do this by simply holding or posting your sign or try to get a more formal proclamation made by your student government or city officials.
  • Take a picture to document this momentous event.  The picture can be by yourself or with a large group of people.
  • Upload your pictures to the Amnesty International Flickr account and please note city, state, and country. These pictures will be compiled and used to create a virtual protest in Azadi Square, calling for the freedom of Majid Tavakkoli and all prisoners of  conscience in Iran.

Template signs: If printing on 8.5×11 paper: Template 1Template 2Template 3 If printing on 11×17 paper: Template 1Template 2Template 3

Other ways to take action:

  • Pass the mic for Majid: Take up the microphone to help share Majid Tavakkoli’s hopes for ―human rights, justice and peace in Iran. Hold an open mic night, encouraging people to share spoken word and slam poetry about human rights and freedom of expression.
  • Letter Writing and Postcard Mailing: In the coming months, join other Amnesty activists in barraging Iranian government officials with letters, postcards, and petitions calling for the release of Majid Tavakkoli. Spread the word about Majid’s case by submitting Letters to the Editor to your local paper, and if you would like to receive postcards, email
  • Pass a Resolution of Support: Mobilize your campus and spread a powerful message of solidarity with Majid Tavakkoli and other detained Iranian students—Work with your student government to pass a Student Resolution. There is a sample resolution available on A sample resolution can be found here.

Questions? Contact: Ilona Kelly, Individuals at Risk Campaigner – Africa and the Middle East, For more information, ideas, and instructions, download the Activist Guide (PDF). [Amnesty International (editor’s note: and United4Iran) do not take a position on any political party, agenda or ideology in Iran, but instead focus on the human rights violations. Please only include messages that focus on human rights.]