Attacks of an anonymous group of hackers on Iranian government websites at the Foreign Ministry, the Atomic Energy Organization, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Organization, and news agencies close to security organizations such as Fars News Agency have caused many of these websites to become inaccessible by their visitors for more than a day. “Members of this group say that this is a long-term operation and that it will last until Iran is freed,” a source close to this anonymous group told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran. Fars News Agency was inaccessible for an hour yesterday, but its services were disrupted for five hours today, during which the website was inaccessible to its users. According to the said source, the Foreign Ministry’s website stopped operation for more than a day. There are several Iranians inside the anonymous group who help identify which sites to attack, according to the source. “If the number and timing of the attacks are coordinated and persistent, in just a few hours the targeted websites stop working, and if the attacks are widespread, they can stop the website completely,” the source told the Campaign. The attack on Iran’s government websites occurs as over the recent days, Iran’s opposition websites have also been attacked by pro-government groups, or as some believe, the Iranian government itself. Source: