Keep Iran’s Hearts Beating Campaign As 22 Bahman approaches,  activist groups worldwide – from Tokyo to Berlin to Washington DC – will gather to call for an end to Iran’s execution binge and to highlight the anticipated, upcoming rallies organized by Iranian opposition in a show of support for the peaceful protesters in Egypt and Tunisia. With the Islamic Republic of Iran averaging one execution every eight hours, it is imperative that the international rights community rally together to demand an immediate end to these systematic and unjustified death sentences. Between Feb 11-14, activists worldwide will gather to urge the IRI and UN to “Keep Iran’s Hearts Beating.” Read more about this campaign and the campaign’s demands here.

London: Hearts of Iran (Feb 14, 2010)

Politically Motivated Executions Many of those recently executed or sentenced to death have been charged with “Moharebeh” (enmity against God), a punishment typically reserved for those who take up “arms against the state” and NOT merely for opposition or dissent. As the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran notes, “Moharebeh has become the Iranian Judiciary’s catch-all justification for killing political dissidents.” The recent executions of post-election protesters, including of Iranian-Dutch protester Zahra Bahrami, clearly show that the IRI is using the death penalty to stifle and scare Iran’s opposition. Moreover, the IRI continues to insist that the executions in Iran are not the international community’s business, further dismissing the world’s concern for the safety and well being of Iran’s prisoners and citizens.

Germany: June 12 Day of Action

A Universal Concern for Human Rights This 22 Bahman, let the IRI know that the world is watching and calling for an immediate moratorium on executions, independent reviews of all pending death penalty cases, and ultimately, the abolition of the death penalty all together. Together, we can affirm that human rights have always been the business of the international rights community and urge the UN Human Rights Council to be proactive by appointing a human rights monitor on Iran. Until the calls of the Iranian people are answered, acknowledged, and respected, until the last prisoner of conscience is released, until the final execution is halted, we must band together and renew our insistence that the deteriorating state of human rights in Iran is and will remain the world’s business. Join an existing rally, host one of your own, or simply gather at a cafe with a few of your friends to fill out and mail anti-execution postcards. Any effort – however simple! – can have a positive impact.

Take lots of footage at your event!

I’m organizing a rally. Anything I should know? Click here to read some rally coordination tips! Where can I find a rally near me? Check the U4I event calendar. If you are hosting a rally that is not listed, please send an e-mail to with the relevant event details. There aren’t any rallies near me, now what? Consider organizing one yourself! Posters are also available for download. An event can also be as simple as meeting a few fellow activists or friends at coffee shop to fill out and mail a dozen anti-execution postcards. Make sure to take lots of video and pictures to share with the Iranian people and across the internet.  E-mail footage to

With your donations we were able to print 1,000 postcards. Please consider a small donation to help pay for the postage needed to send these to the UN!

I don’t have time to organize or attend a rally. How can I still get involved? On an individual level, you can make an impact by printing and mailing postcards from your home computer. You can also engage in online advocacy campaigns by sending e-letters to highlight various prisoner cases and human rights abuses in Iran.

What is the EASIEST, least time consuming way to get involved? The fastest way to make an impact is to donate a few dollars and have U4I mail a postcard on your behalf! The goal is to mail 1,000 postcards to various UN officials in Geneva and New York.

All the funds received for postcard donations will go directly to mailing as many postcards as possible. Under the “Program Designation” drop-box on the donation page simply choose “Postcard Donations” to ensure your donation goes to the postcard campaign.

We recommend a $5 donation in order to offset the costs of printing and mailing. All the funds received for postcard donations will go directly to mailing as many postcards as possible. Click here to donate.


And a final note… take lots of footage! If you host an event, please take plenty of pictures and video to be widely disseminated via press releases and social media platforms. Raw picture files, links to videos, or links to photo galleries can be sent to

Japan: Activists rally for 22 Bahman (2010)

Information for organizers:

  • Read up on the messaging and demands of the day.
  • Download and print pre-made posters. Learn how to print posters in a large-size from your home computer here.
  • E-mail us your event details to be shared on the U4I event calendar and event map locator.
  • Print-and-mail postcards either individually or take them en masse to your event and encourage participants to sign and mail them. An easy way to cover the costs of postage and printing is to ask participants for a $1 donation when filling out a postcard. An event can also be as simple as meeting with some friends to fill out postcards together!
  • Take plenty of footage of your event and e-mail it to to be shared worldwide. Record your support and ensure that the Iranian people see it.

Keep Iran’s Hearts Beating Campaign
As 22 Bahman approaches,  activist groups worldwide – from Tokyo to Berlin to Washington DC – will gather to call for an end to Iran’s execution binge and to highlight the anticipated, upcoming rallies organized by Iranian opposition in a show of support for the peaceful protesters in Egypt and Tunisia.

With the Islamic Republic of Iran averaging one execution every eight hours, it is imperative that the international rights community rally together to demand an immediate end to these systematic and unjustified death sentences. Between Feb 11-14, activists worldwide will gather to urge the IRI and UN to “Keep Iran’s Hearts Beating.” Read more about this campaign and the campaign’s demands here.

London: Hearts of Iran (Feb 14, 2010)

Politically Motivated Executions
Many of those recently executed or sentenced to death have been charged with “Moharebeh” (enmity against God), a punishment typically reserved for those who take up “arms against the state” and NOT merely for opposition or dissent. As the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran notes, “Moharebeh has become the Iranian Judiciary’s catch-all justification for killing political dissidents.”

The recent executions of post-election protesters, including of Iranian-Dutch protester Zahra Bahrami, clearly show that the IRI is using the death penalty to stifle and scare Iran’s opposition. Moreover, the IRI continues to insist that the executions in Iran are not the international community’s business, further dismissing the world’s concern for the safety and well being of Iran’s prisoners and citizens.

Germany: June 12 Day of Action

A Universal Concern for Human Rights
This 22 Bahman, let the IRI know that the world is watching and calling for an immediate moratorium on executions, independent reviews of all pending death penalty cases, and ultimately, the abolition of the death penalty all together.

Together, we can affirm that human rights have always been the business of the international rights community and urge the UN Human Rights Council to be proactive by appointing a human rights monitor on Iran.

Until the calls of the Iranian people are answered, acknowledged, and respected, until the last prisoner of conscience is released, until the final execution is halted, we must band together and renew our insistence that the deteriorating state of human rights in Iran is and will remain the world’s business. Join an existing rally, host one of your own, or simply gather at a cafe with a few of your friends to fill out and mail anti-execution postcards. Any effort – however simple! – can have a positive impact.

Take lots of footage at your event!

I’m organizing a rally. Anything I should know?
Click here to read some rally coordination tips!

Where can I find a rally near me?
Check the U4I event calendar. If you are hosting a rally that is not listed, please send an e-mail to with the relevant event details.

There aren’t any rallies near me, now what?
Consider organizing one yourself! Posters are also available for download. An event can also be as simple as meeting a few fellow activists or friends at coffee shop to fill out and mail a dozen anti-execution postcards. Make sure to take lots of video and pictures to share with the Iranian people and across the internet.  E-mail footage to

With your donations we were able to print 1,000 postcards. Please consider a small donation to help pay for the postage needed to send these to the UN!

I don’t have time to organize or attend a rally. How can I still get involved?
On an individual level, you can make an impact by printing and mailing postcards from your home computer. You can also engage in online advocacy campaigns by sending e-letters to highlight various prisoner cases and human rights abuses in Iran.

What is the EASIEST, least time consuming way to get involved?
The fastest way to make an impact is to donate a few dollars and have U4I mail a postcard on your behalf! The goal is to mail 1,000 postcards to various UN officials in Geneva and New York.

All the funds received for postcard donations will go directly to mailing as many postcards as possible. Under the “Program Designation” drop-box on the donation page simply choose “Postcard Donations” to ensure your donation goes to the postcard campaign.

We recommend a $5 donation in order to offset the costs of printing and mailing. All the funds received for postcard donations will go directly to mailing as many postcards as possible. Click here to donate.


And a final note… take lots of footage!
If you host an event, please take plenty of pictures and video to be widely disseminated via press releases and social media platforms. Raw picture files, links to videos, or links to photo galleries can be sent to

Japan: Activists rally for 22 Bahman (2010)

Information for organizers:

  • Read up on the messaging and demands of the day.
  • Download and print pre-made posters. Learn how to print posters in a large-size from your home computer here.
  • E-mail us your event details to be shared on the U4I event calendar and event map locator.
  • Print-and-mail postcards either individually or take them en masse to your event and encourage participants to sign and mail them. An easy way to cover the costs of postage and printing is to ask participants for a $1 donation when filling out a postcard. An event can also be as simple as meeting with some friends to fill out postcards together!
  • Take plenty of footage of your event and e-mail it to to be shared worldwide. Record your support and ensure that the Iranian people see it.