Cut the ropes, remove the rocks, take the bullets out of their guns… You might not feel that there is much you can do to stop the executions of peaceful protesters in Iran. But there is. You can put pressure on your government to at least pick up the phone and tell Mottaki or Ahmadinejad or Khamenei that this is not the act of a 3000 year old civilization. This is terror. It’s murder. It’s not justice. It’s not even legal, not in the remotest sense of the notion of legal. Fatimeh Haghighatjoo, who actually served in Iran’s parliament from 200-2004, stressed the importance of acting: “When we put pressure on the international community they will put pressure on Iran. We have to act fast. Those 9 people[referring to the 9 people facing execution as “enemies of God”] may not have another month.” So I urge you to act. Please. We have a template of a letter you can use to contact your foreign minister or state department . You can edit it to meet the specific abilities of your own government. Act. Billy Holiday sings Strange Fruit: