About CTRC The “Cut The Rope Campaign” (CTRC) was created to take a stand against all executions in Iran. CTRC campaigns against executions of all prisoners of any age or gender. In Iran, the judicial proceedings do not uphold any human rights international laws and therefore all executions should cease immediately. After the elections, peaceful protesters have been shot, killed, tortured, raped, and threatened with death sentences. In March 2010, Mohammad Amin Valian, a 20 years old student at the University of Damghan and member of the Islamic Society currently being held in Evin prison, was sentenced to death. Valian was arrested after the events on Dec 27, 2009 during Ashura for allegedly “throwing stones”. The only “evidence” against Valian is a picture of him holding a stone.

Action Background On the 20th of every month, CTRC and it’s members cut pieces of rope to symbolize solidarity with the prisoners and protesters in Iran and to maintain awareness regarding human rights violations of death sentences by hanging in Iran. Members send in their cut rope and the campaign’s flier to the various embassies, consulates, and to the United Nations High Commissioner, Navi Pillay, in order to pressure the UN to take action. The next mailing will be on MARCH 20th, 2010. Please take a stand and send your letter & rope. Cut the Rope Campaign Materials/Resources