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Global Solidarity for Iran

Iran: Zahra, une candidate virtuelle dans la course à la présidentielle
Des élections libres Zahra n'est pas une femme comme les autres. A 52 ans, elle est la première candidate virtuelle à se présenter à l'élection...

Statement by United for Iran at the 19th Session of the Human Rights Council
I’m speaking on behalf of the Democracy Coalition Project in coordination with United for Iran. We welcome the report of the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights Situation in Iran. We regret that Iranian authorities have not allowed him access to the country, and have, engaged in an unconstructive manner against the mandate. The hypocrisy of these statements is staggering. The policies…
Iranian Delegation’s Lack of Credibility at the Human Rights Council
Campaign’s daily blog from Geneva, Switzerland–The Sixteenth session of the United Nations Human Rights Council is underway with the aim of...