by Sadra | Jul 28, 2017 | Blog
New York, 25 July – A court in Yazd has recently sentenced a man convicted of the public murder of a Baha’i to just 11 years in prison and 2 years away from home. The court justified the sentence by stating that according to the Islamic penal code, the accused and the...
by Sadra | Jul 10, 2017 | Media
This article was originally published by The Mercury News. Startup of the week: Who they are: IranCubator What they do: It’s a tech incubator that produces apps focused on achieving social change in Iran, backed by Berkeley-based nonprofit United for Iran. Why it’s...
by Sadra | Jul 7, 2017 | Media
This article was originally published by siliconbeat. Startup of the week: Who they are: IranCubator What they do: It’s a tech incubator that produces apps focused on achieving social change in Iran, backed by Berkeley-based nonprofit United for Iran. Why it’s...
by Sadra | Jul 5, 2017 | Media
This article was originally published by App Developer Magazine. United for Iran, a Bay-Area NGO working to promote civil liberties and civil society in Iran, is announcing the release of Haami: a new android app that is designed to provide help for...
by Sadra | Jun 28, 2017 | Blog
Addiction has become a crippling epidemic in Iran. Iranian Health ministry officials estimate there are 2.2 million drug addicts in the country of 80 million. Doctors working with recovering addicts believe the actual figures are higher. Everyone agrees...