A Tehran Arts University and a friend of slain protester Sane Jaleh told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran on condition of anonymity that last night four Arts University students who had been arrested earlier yesterday were released, but that there is no news yet about all the other students arrested. “We were unable to hold our ceremony yesterday, so we have postponed it until Saturday. We will see what happens on Saturday and whether the gentlemen would allow it or whether they would attack us again,” the source told the Campaign, adding that the Arts University is closed today for a graduate entrance examination The Arts University student expressed a word of gratitude for the University’s Security Unit as the only group of people who came to the students’ aid yesterday. “They were the only ones at the University who came to the help of the students as they were being beaten up. They wanted to pull the plainclothes forces away from the students and let them leave the campus, but they got beaten up themselves,” said the source.

Source: http://www.iranhumanrights.org/2011/02/arts-university-students-will-hold-vigil-and-protest-on-saturday/