Arseh Sevom is a non-profit organization located in the Netherlands that is dedicated to supporting the development of a vibrant civil society in Iran. Arseh Sevom does this by sharing stories about civil society in Iran and around the world, conducting research on freedom of assembly and association, and by developing toolkits for civil society actors. They welcome contributions, ideas, and help with their research. Currently, Arseh Sevom is surveying organizations and activists about the early struggles of organizations and/or their individual contributors. This survey is aimed at people and organizations anywhere in the world. Arseh Sevom wants to learn from the experiences of civil society actors in a wide variety of situations and locations and to share that learning with their counterparts in Iran and Persian-speaking communities. Arseh Sevom plans to publish a selection of the responses on their site and use the results to develop toolkits. You can choose to remain anonymous or you can choose to associate your responses with your name and organization. You can see this survey on Arseh Sevom’s website: