Angels of Iran Single Arrows Productions presents Angels of Iran, a compelling series of short documentaries featuring stories of individuals who have faced persecution under the Islamic Republic of Iran. Every week a new video will be released as part of the campaign to raise awareness about the blatant rights violations in Iran. U4I is honored to support this campaign, alongside Amnesty, the Baha’i national communities of the US and Canada, the International Campaign for Human Rights, the Boroumand Foundation, the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, and more. Read more about the connected campaign, “Education Under Fire,” below. This week’s video showcases a story of “love, courage, and belief in freedom.” The short film details the journey of Reza Fani Yazdi, who underwent terrible abuses and never gave in to the brutal torture, and his wife Soheila Vahdati Reza never gave in to brutal torture, or years in prison. In the film Reza notes, “You think, ‘If I break, if I give up, I have lost my dignity. I have lost my existence. If I lose my dignity, who am I going to be after that?'” Watch the video, share it, and make sure to take part in the campaign’s Drive to 25 action!

Education Under Fire The connected “Education Under Fire” campaign is encouraging concerned citizens of the world to TAKE ACTION and join the Drive to 25— a petition calling for an end to education discrimination in Iran. The Education Under Fire campaign also showcases a 30-minute documentary, co-sponsored by Amnesty, that profiles the growth, struggle, and inspiring spirit of the Baha’i Institute for Higher Education. The film connects a diverse audience to a grave human rights issue, a powerful story of resilience against oppression, and the need to respect human rights everywhere. Learn more about how to take part in this effort here! Join the discussion with Education Under Fire and Angels of Iran on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube!