End Violence Against Mourners

Rising tensions with approach of Shiite holy day of Ashura (23 December 2009)  The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran denounced attacks on followers and admirers of the late Grand Ayatollah Hussein-Ali Montazeri today, as police used tear gas and pepper...

BBC: Iran jails former government spokesman

December 24, 2009 A former Iranian government spokesman has been jailed for six years. Iranian media reported that Abdullah Ramezanzadeh was convicted of trying to topple the government during protests after elections last June. The charges against him included...

BBC: Iran ‘to invalidate’ banknotes defaced by slogans

Many transactions are carried out in cash in Iran Iran’s central bank has said defaced banknotes are to be made invalid, after the appearance of opposition slogans on money, local media report. 24 December 2009 – They quote bank official Ebrahim Darvishi...

The Funeral of Montazeri and the Strength of Resistence

For the four years I spent in Iran, a dominant question from the “Western Street” was a variation of “Why don’t the world’s Muslims go to the streets to protest bombings?” The question presumes, of course, that the non-Muslim West knows all there is to know about the...