English: http://azadtribune.org/en || Farsi: http://azadtribune.org/

azadtribune2_0_logoWith great honor and privilege, United4Iran is pleased to announce the 10-December launch of U4I ally, ARTICLE 19’s new  “Azad Tribune.” This comprehensive site will offer insight into, as well as discussion and analysis of, Iran’s censorship. We sincerely thank ARTICLE 19 for their support with 12/12 Arts United 4 Iran, for helping to coordinate the London event, as well as for continuing to highlight the severely restricted freedoms of the Iranian people.

In conjunction with their Iran Program, and in honor of Human Rights Day, ARTICLE 19 is launching an interactive campaign on Thursday 10th December 2009. ARTICLE 19’s interactive website (www.azadtribune.org) will expose the organisational structures behind Iran’s censorship system, assess recent trends in Internet-related detentions, and provide an opportunity for an online discussion on, and action against, censorship.

Iran has developed a highly efficient ‘system of oppression,’ and censorship to control the exponential growth of online communities. The system of oppression in Iran is composed of institutions that enforce censorship, vaguely worded laws and regulations, and social and cultural restrictions.  By raising awareness of censorship in Iran we hope to encourage and support activism in civil society and diminish online censorship.

About Azad Tribune is a platform for bloggers, journalists and activists to discuss issues relating to freedom of expression. Azad Tribune is a project by ARTICLE 19 – an international campaign for freedom of expression worldwide. Established in 1987, ARTICLE 19 fights for all hostages of censorship, defends dissenting voices that have been muzzled, and campaigns against laws and practices that silence. We take our name from article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states:

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” ARTICLE 19 monitors, researches, publishes, lobbies, campaigns, sets standards and litigates on behalf of freedom of expression wherever it is threatened. The Iran Program at ARTICLE 19 was established in January 2009, you can contact our team at azadtribune@article19.org.

درباره ما

تریبون آزاد فضایی است برای وبلاگ نویسان، روزنامه نگاران و فعالان (حقوق بشر) تا به بحث و بررسی مسائل مربوط به آزادی بیان بپردازند. سازمان Article 19 که تمرکز آن مبارزه بین‌المللی جهت آزادی بین در سطح جهان است، تریبون آزاد را به عنوان یکی‌ از پروژه‌های خود راه اندازی کرده است.

Article 19  که در سال ۱۹۸۷ تاسیس شد، در دفاع از انواع قربانیان ساسنسور، کسانیکه مخالفتشان در خفقان محبوث شده است، و علیه قوانین و اعمال منجر به سکوت مبارزه می کند. نام ما برگرفته از ماده نوزدهم بیانیه حقوق بشر به شرح زیر است:

“همه حق آزادی عقیده و بیان دارند و حق مزبور شامل آنست که از داشتن عقاید خود بیم و اضطرابی نداشته باشد و در کسب اطلاعات و افکار و در اخذ و انتشار آن به تمام وسائل ممکن و بدون ملاحظات مرزی آزاد باشد”.

Article 19 با فعالیت‌هایی‌ نزیر پایش، پژوهش، انتشار، لابی، مبارزه، استاندارد سازی و پیگیری قانونی‌ در هر کجا که آزادی بیان مورد تهدید قرار گرفته شده باشد کوشش و تلاش می‌کند.

بخش ایران در Article 19 در ژانویه ۲۰۰۹ تشکیل شد و شما میتوانید با ما با این آدرس تماس بگیرید:
