Defend Human Rights
We are a human rights watchdog.
We spotlight human rights violations in the judicial system in Iran. With Iran Prison Atlas, we collect data on Iranian political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, monitor conditions in prisons, and track every sentence, abuse of power and human rights violation by judges, attorneys, prison wardens and others. Our Iran Human Rights Barometer project analyzes and visualizes urgent human rights data related to Iran.

Improve Civil Liberties
We support freedom movements.
From women and Kurdish rights to disability and workers’ rights, Iranians are resisting and advocating for their freedoms. Our Safe Activism project empowers activists across issues, regions and identities to do their resistance work safely. Nahoft allows Iranians to access information, exchange ideas, advocate for human rights, and organize undetected by the regime. We collaborate with in-country and diaspora allies to launch online campaigns that lead to direct pressure on the IRI.

Build People Power
We shift power to the Iranian people.
Our apps put power directly into Iranians’ hands to advocate for themselves and each other. Our IranCubator accelerator enables grassroots leaders, activists and movements to scale and sustain their efforts through technology. Gershad helps Iranians avoid the morality police through crowdsourcing and mutual support. Haami empowers recovering addicts while Toranj helps victims of domestic violence to advocate for themselves.

Champion Minority Rights
We prioritize the most oppressed.
All Iranians are oppressed under the brutal, authoritarian regime, but women and ethnic, religious, linguistic and sexual minorities are doubly oppressed. Our mobile technologies, campaigns, data, visualizations and organizing put the needs of the most oppressed in the society first. When they are free, we will all be free.