Joint Statement on the Continued Detention and Uncertain Status of Azerbaijani Turk Activists in Iran’s Evin Prison

We, the undersigned, express our deep concern over the inhumane treatment and indefinite detention of Azerbaijani Turk political and civil activists in Iran who were arbitrarily arrested by security forces. On February 6 and 7, 2024, in the cities of Ardabil, Karaj, Varamin, Miandoab, Tabriz, and in other locations, eight activists were arrested. To date, they have been held in Evin Prison without due process since their arrests. This includes an artist, a lawyer, human rights defenders, and mother-tongue language proponents. Namely Morteza Parvin Joda, Taher Naqavi, Abdulaziz Azimi Qadim, Hossein Piri, Karam Mardaneh Mostali Beglou, Baqer Hajizadeh Mazraeh, Saeed Jamalzadeh, and Ayaz Seifkhah. 

Inhumane Conditions and Legal Violations

Since their detention, the activists have faced numerous barriers to accessing their legal rights. They have been denied access to lawyers, medical treatment, and temporary release on bail. This is a blatant violation of their human rights, along with both domestic and international law. 

After going on a hunger strike on June 14, 2024 to protest their indefinite detention, Naqavi, Piri, Seifkhah, and Azimi Qadim were beaten by Evin Prison officials and transferred to solitary confinement.      On September 1, 2024, Naqavi experienced severe gastric bleeding, yet prison authorities failed to transfer him to the hospital for necessary treatment. In other instances, prison officials have reportedly used other prisoners to carry out violent acts, such as one on Taher Naqavi. One example is from August 6, 2024, when a group of prisoners sentenced for violent crimes attacked Naqavi’s cell and assaulted him along with other political prisoners, even threatening them with death. 

Unjust Judicial Process and Legal Violations

During a July 3, 2024 court session on for Morteza Parvin, Baqer Hajizadeh, Ayaz Seifkhah, and Kamal Nouri at Branch 15 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, presiding Judge Salavati dismissed the claims of the detained activists, who reported being tortured by security forces during their detention. The judge responded, “You wouldn’t have been tortured if you had cooperated during the interrogations.” The activists face charges of “assembly and collusion to disrupt internal and external security.” Apart from Naqavi, the other activists remain without access to legal representation, and Naqavi’s lawyers have been denied access to his case file. Despite Judge Salavati’s promise to Naqavi that a verdict would be issued within a week during the most recent court session in September 2024, no ruling has yet been delivered.

Our Demands from the Iranian Authorities

Immediate and unconditional release of all Azerbaijani Turk activists and other political prisoners currently held in Evin Prison without a fair trial.

1. A fair judicial process, including the necessary conditions for the detained to defend their legal rights, such as access to legal representation and to their case files.

2. Adequate medical care for all prisoners in need of medical attention, especially those in critical condition.

3. Investigation and punishment of the officials and agents involved in the torture, beating, and violation of the rights of the activists.

Emphasis on Human Rights

We, the signatories of this statement, reaffirm that respect for human rights, especially in conditions of detention and imprisonment, is fundamental to civil and legal societies. Violating these rights not only leads to injustice in society but also severely damages the credibility of the judicial system and the rule of law. Therefore, we call upon the international community, human rights organizations, non-governmental organizations, and all individuals committed to justice and human rights principles to protest this unjust situation and demand the immediate release of these activists while ensuring their legal rights.

Call for International Action and Support

We believe that international pressure and public support can play a crucial role in stopping these injustices and improving the human rights situation in Iran. Therefore, we urge all governments, international organizations, and human rights defenders to take effective action and persistently advocate for the Islamic Republic of Iran to adhere to human rights principles and put an end to this unjust situation. Every voice of protest and every act of support is a step towards justice and freedom for all political and ideological prisoners in Iran. We remain committed to pursuing and supporting these activists and other victims of human rights violations until justice is fully served.

List of signatures:

 1. Abdorrahman Boroumand Center

2. Ahwaz Human Rights Organization – AHRO

3. All Human Rights for All in Iran

4. Association for the Human Rights of the Azerbaijani People in Iran -HRAZ

5. Balochistan Human Rights Group

6. Baloch Campaign

7. The Center for Supporters of Human Rights – CIHRS

8. Defenders of Human Rights Center

9. Ensemble contre la peine de mort -ECPM

10. Femena

11. Human Rights Activists in Iran (HRAI)

12. Miaan

13. Impactiran

14. Iran Human Rights

15. Iran Human Rights Documentation Center

16. Kurdistan Human Rights Association – Geneva

17. Kurdistan Human Rights Network

18. Kurdpa

19. Rasank

20. Siamak Pourzand Foundation

21. United for Iran

22. Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization-UNPO

23. Shiwarnews

24. Tuhra