We are making important changes to the Iran Prison Atlas (IPA). IPA is the largest database of Iran’s political prisoners, the judges that convict them and the prisons’ that hold them.

In the last 7 years, United for Iran’s researchers have spent thousands of hours gathering data on political prisoners: who they are, why they were targeted, and how they have been treated in Iranian courtrooms and prisons. Unfortunately, and not surprising to the activists in the field, a grim picture has been revealed during this research: Iran systematically relies on it’s judicial system to silent dissenters.

We have been working on making IPA even more user-friendly, and the trends of abuse more easily detectable to anyone who visits the site.
Showing a detailed yet cohesive image of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s systematic abuses is challenging, specially because we want to be able to see the populations that are targeted based on their ethnicity, religion, gender, the activities that lead to their arrest, the charges that were brought against them, and the mistreatment they have been subjected to.

The majority of Iran’s political prisoners are ethnic and religious minorities. After solitary confinement and denied contact with family and legal council, torture and physical mistreatment are the most common violations that they face.

Today, Iran is holding at least 880 political prisoners. Each one of these men and women have been subjected to injustice. People like Abdulfatah Soltani, a human rights attorney who after almost 9 years of imprisonment, was finally granted furlough, only to attend his 30 year-old daughter’s funeral. Zeinab Jalalian, a Kurdish activist who is losing her eyesight due to mistreatment in prison, and Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a British-Iranian woman who has been behind bars for more than 2 years on charges that were pulled out of thin air.

By hearing their stories, recording, and sharing them‌ we hope to offer these prisoners a platform to seek the justice that Iran’s judicial system denies them.

We hope the new updated site will be completed by the end of this year.

Thank you for your ongoing support.