Access to education is a basic human right. Through it, people are enabled to develop their talents and skills to be able to contribute to society. No government should deny this fundamental right to its citizens. Yet in Iran today, the denial of higher education is a reality that many young people are forced to endure. They are barred from universities and institutions of higher learning because they have political views, social affiliations or religious convictions rejected by the Islamic Republic. As members of a global community, it is our responsibility to ensure this right is respected. It is time to bring the unjust and oppressive practices of the government of the Islamic Republic to an end. Join the US launch of the “Can You Solve This?” Campaign, an effort aimed to highlight the issues surrounding the right to education in Iran. The event will take place on Sunday, November 13 from 11am – 2pm at the National Mall in Washington DC. For more event details and for more information on how to get involved, please visit the event Facebook page here: To take action online and read more about the US launch, visit the campaign page here: