Imprisoned blogger Hossein Ronaghi Maleki has stopped taking his medication in order to protest the prison authorities’ refusal to allow him to be hospitalized for his kidney and gallbladder problems. In an interview with the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, his father, Ahmad Ronaghi Maleki, expressed grave concern for his son’s deteriorating health and mistreatment by Evin Prison infirmary personnel who refuse to accommodate his son there.

“My son has started a medication strike, because he has not been transferred to a hospital. The Tehran Prosecutor had agreed with his medical leave request and had ordered for his immediate treatment, but his interrogators and Judge Pirabbasi did not allow it. He suffers from gallbladder and kidney problems. He has even stopped going to prison infirmary for the past month. A month ago, they mistreated him and told him that he was going [to the infirmary] for fun. My son has stopped going to the infirmary no matter how severe his pain becomes,” said Ronaghi’s father. Ronaghi has needed serious medical treatment for his kidneys and gallbladder for the past several months. So far, he has written two letters to the Tehran Prosecutor to bring attention to his physical conditions. “Though I have kept silent in the face of the unfair ruling of the court, this time my conscience and my wisdom rule not to keep silent in the face of my endangered health,” he wrote in his first letter to the Tehran Prosecutor on 11 July. After Ronaghi Maleki’s second letter was published on 14 August, forces severely beat him at Evin Prison. “The forces told Hossein before that he would be released only when he dies. The forces also told me once,’We will not allow your son to come out of prison,’ and now they are delivering on their promises. I have detailed information that a brother of Mr. Sattari’s, the office manager for Judge Pirabbasi, is one of my son’s interrogators,” said Ahmad Ronaghi Maleki. Explaining that the Medical Examiner and several specialist physicians have confirmed that his son must be hospitalized immediately, Ahmad Ronaghi Maleki said: “His interrogators and the Judge even disregard the law; the same law with which they arrest and detain people that states prisoners are to be respected. A prisoner is entitled to furlough and medical treatment, but unfortunately, this law is only carried out in a one-way fashion.” “I met him through a booth this last Monday. He is in dire physical shape. Because the booth phone is monitored, he doesn’t say anything. If he says anything, he will be abused. He only talks about his illness, that he is not feeling well. He has painful urination, his kidneys hurt and he has gallbladder stones and needs immediate surgery,” added Ahmad Ronaghi Maleki. Blogger Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, 26, was arrested on 13 December 2009, and was sentenced to 15 years in prison for “membership in the Iran Proxy internet group,” “propagating against the regime,” “insulting the Supreme Leader,” and “insulting the President.” In an earlier interview with the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, his father, Ahmad Ronaghi Maleki said, “Hear my voice, please. I ask the Supreme Leader, the human rights activists in Iran and in the world, Iranian judicial authorities, and the Tehran Prosecutor to please grant Hossein leave … If there is no attention, Hossein will die.”
